“Everything heals. Your body heals. Your heart heals. The mind heals. Wounds heal. Your soul repairs itself. Your happiness is always going to come back. Bad times don’t last.” ~Unknown Many moons ago, I was alone in London. I needed…
What Do You Got?
Once upon a time, a nobleman was walking through the village and saw a poor peasant sitting on the stairs of the monastery. The peasant was counting his prayer beads between his fingers, whispering a silent prayer. The nobleman sat down next to…
Stop Following the Road that Leads Nowhere
What we put first, the choices we make in life are a direct reflection of what we value. What this means is that our experience of life — for its pain or pleasure, darkness or brightness — is a perfect…
You Can’t Live as if You Only Had Three Months to Live
It’s a challenging thought: “How would you live if you learned you only had three months left?” Most of us would probably make some changes, or at least we’d think long and hard about what really matters. If your job…
How to Live Your Love Story, Skinny Legs and All
On a daily basis, we make choices—some deliberate and some by default—that reveal our stories. As an intuitive coach, I work with clients to help them author and live their own real-life love stories, ones that reflect their true voice…
How to Really Be the Change
Gandhi didn’t say “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” That’s actually a simplified version of his original statement. What he said was actually much richer in meaning and depth… “We but mirror the world. All the…
How Would You Respond If Someone Said This to YOU at the Gym?
I am a polite person. That doesn’t mean that I don’t make mistakes, but I deeply value kindness and am as kind as I can be, as often as possible. I just wish everyone could embody this same code of…
What It Means to Be a Cosmic Seer
Some people ask me the reason why I talk about the stars so much. Why do I mention space exploration in my conversations so often? To me, it is rather strange how we don’t talk about the stars more. How…
Let Me Pick You Up
LET ME PICK YOU UP by Chris Assaad “I don’t want to be famousI don’t need to be richBut if I hadJust one wish I would ask for enough LoveTo give and open upSo many hearts that we could takeAll…
I’ve Been Through a Lot: The Parable of the Dollar Bill
Somewhere in a backcountry town in America, an old man found a dollar bill in the street. He picked it up off the ground and sat down on the sidewalk, holding the broken piece of paper between his fingers. The dollar bill was partly covered in dried mud and dirt, worn to shreds and broken. “I…